Amy's Global Adventure

Monday, June 19, 2006

Camp Archbald

Well, finally got onto a computer so i need to update this! sadly the computer isn't good enough to put a picture up but i will put one up when i get chance, it's all going really well anyway, we're really roughing it, sleeping in tents, with bugs and spiders and coyotes and raccoons outside, i was v scared the first night but i have no choice really, it's all ok now though, i got used to it! we've just had mini camp, where the kids come in their girl scout troops, with their leaders, and stay for two nights, it's all very hectic but good. the worst bit is the old flag ceremony every morning and every evening, pledging allegiance and all that rubbish! it's so hard not to laugh when the flag suddenly falls quickly down the flagpole, or when it nearly touches the ground. Apparently you have to burn the flag if it touches the ground. When it was my turn i patriotially wore a t shirt with a union flag on it.
We have three more mini camps and then four days off, so we're planning a trip to NYC!!! I'm soexcited about seeing the Big Apple, we drove through on the bus and it looks like a movie set.
I've also been driving round Pennsylvania in the camp directors car, we all went out for a meal and if i didn't drive then not everyone would have been able to go.
well best get off now!


  • At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ahhhh, you've gone already. Well, I was going to say have a wonderful time, enjoy yourself and all that guff, but now your already there and it sounds like your having fun already. It's hard not to when you have to pledge alligence to the stars and stripes. Well, say hello to the NYC when you get there. What with Friends and Sex and the City, I feel like I can call NYC a 'friend' of my own. Well. I'm going now. I will check this blog all the time. I've been looking forward to your leaving as then I would be able to look at this - so now thats all happening and it's all good. I have no other life you see. Well, well. Pictures, yes, pictures. That would be good. Have fun!


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