Amy's Global Adventure

Monday, August 28, 2006

Road Trip Baby!

Well have been on my road trip for two weeks now, and am having such a fantastic time! The people on the trip are all really cool, and some are doing similar trips to me. I am in New Mexico at the moment, but will list where I have been:
Finger Lakes, NY,
Niagara Falls (both USA and Canada - got a stamp in the old passport for there!)
Cleveland, OH (the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame!)
Louisville, Kentucky (The Muhammed Ali Centre, the biggest baseball bat in the world, amongst other things!)
Nashville, Tennessee (The Wild Horse Saloon for Line Dancing!)
Memphis (Gracelands, Beale Street, BB Kings restaurant and live blues music!)
Hot Springs, Arkansas (hometown of Bill Clinton, and also hot springs, obviously!)
Oklahoma City (Baseball, drive in movie)
Amarillo, Texas (Is this the way to..., The Big Texan - Free 72oz Steak, if you can eat the whole thing within an hour)
Roswell, NM, for the UFO museums, bit cynical I have to say!
Needless to say i am having the trip of a lifetime, it's so much fun! I have seen some crazy things, and some scary things for example, last night I saw a real live tarantula, just walking through the campsite! As they do. Apparently they have not seen one there for 18 months, so I'm glad they waited till LAST NIGHT to find one!! I did turn into the biggest wimp, I ran like the wind, with a Bud in hand, and sat on the furthest table, while everyone else gathered round to take photos of it!
Hopefully I will get some photos up here soon. my photos of Niagara are awesome!


  • At 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Aims, oh my god how jealous am i?!!!! I've only just worked out how to find this on the internet so have just read all your adventures in one go - I ache with jealousy!!!!!! I want to do it all!!!! So glad you are loving it all, can't wait to see more photos - shall be checking this site regularly now!!! Anyhoo, will hopefully keep up to date with it all from now on. Take care and keep living the dream!!!!! Lots of love, Catherine xxx


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